Vision and Mission

The Human Rights League has been supporting refugees and foreigners in Slovakia since 2005
Watch a short video about the activities we do at the Human Rights League:

Our vision
We believe that Slovakia can become a new home for refugees and provide women, men and children with security, stability and a new beginning. Over the years, we have witnessed refugees from various countries find a home in Slovakia with the help of local Slovakians, and we believe that there are many people in our community like this who are willing to join in the effort to help refugees integrate into the local community. We are here to gather such people together and show them how it is possible to do so. 

Our mission
We believe in the universality of human rights, values of human dignity and equality. This is why we strive for transparent, dignified and responsible migration, asylum and integration policies. We work to protect the rights and strengthen the status of refugees and foreigners in Slovakia.

We trust in the positive benefits of migration and diversity in society.

What does our work consist of?
We combine direct, high-quality and free legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Slovakia, with advocacy and strategic litigation in the creation, promotion and implementation of Slovak migration, asylum and integration policy. At the same time, we strive for awareness towards society and various professions that work with foreigners, and for the education and training of a new generation of young lawyers in the field of asylum and migration law (the Asylum Law Clinics at the Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava and P. J. Šafárik University in Košice).

The Human Rights League participates as a pioneer in introducing several topics in the field of migration and asylum in Slovakia: 
  • Case law in Slovak or international courts,
  • Legal assistance to asylum seekers, detained foreigners, victims of trafficking in human beings, legal counseling in family and employment matters, etc.
  • Integration of knowledge from legal and linguistic anthropology,
  • Commenting and promoting changes in legislation, practice and policies, advocacy activities,
  • Involvement of foreigners and refugees in public policy-making,
  • Mobilisation and capacity building of local governments in the local integration of foreigners,
  • Awareness raising towards society and various professions that work with foreigners.
Please also read our research and analysis.
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