We’ve prepared an overview of currently valid conditions for the entry of foreigners into the Slovak Republic within the project “Access to Justice in the protection of migrants right to private and family life, including rights of LGBTI migrants”, as we frequently receive numerous questions from foreigners and their family members about the conditions of arrival in Slovakia during this pandemic.
The Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic has issued a new decree regulating, inter alia, conditions of entry of foreign nationals to the territory of the Slovak Republic. The new rules applicable at borders have been in force since 7 December 2020, 07:00 a.m., and remain in force until further notice. The conditions vary depending on whether the person is crossing the internal or external, i.e. Schengen borders of the Slovak Republic.A. Entry to the Territory of the Slovak Republic Across Internal Borders
EU citizens and third-country nationals may enter the territory of the Slovak Republic across land borders of the Slovak Republic with the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland or Hungary, across air internal borders (i.e. border crossings at airports in the Slovak Republic at arrivals from the Schengen countries) subject to the following conditions:- Without restrictions, as far as they visited exclusively countries listed as low-risk countries, i.e. Australia, People´s Republic of China, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Norway, New Zeeland, Singapore and Taiwan, within the previous 14 days;
- Subject to registration at korona.gov.sk/ehranica , if they visited a risk country within the previous 14 days, i.e. a country not listed as a low-risk country; and
2.1. when entering the territory of the Slovak Republic from EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Switzerland, the persons are still obliged to stay at home (self-isolation) or a quarantine facility. The isolation ends upon receipt of a negative result of an RT-PCR test for COVID-19 or, in case of a symptom-free course of the isolation, upon expiration of the 10th day of the isolation.
EXCEPTON: Persons who present, when entering the territory of the Slovak Republic, a negative RT-PCR test for COVID-19 performed outside the territory of the Slovak Republic, not older than 72 hours, are not obliged to stay in the compulsory isolation. Citizens of the EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Great Britain, Northern Ireland or Switzerland permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic who overcome COVID-19 disease within the previous 3 months prior to their entry to Slovakia are also exempt from mandatory isolation. They are obliged to prove such fact by the confirmation.
2.2. when entering the territory of the Slovak Republic from countries other than EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Switzerland, persons are still obliged to stay in home isolation (self-isolation) or in a quarantine facility. The isolation ends upon receipt of a negative result of an RT-PCR test for COVID-19.
B. Entry to the Territory of the Slovak Republic Across External (Schengen) Borders
EU citizens can enter the territory of the Slovak Republic across land borders of the Slovak Republic with Ukraine and across air borders (i.e. border crossings at airports of the Slovak Republic in case of arrivals from countries outside the Schengen Area) subject to the same conditions as those applicable at the entry across internal borders (the obligation to register after a visit to a country not listed as a low-risk country, isolation and testing for COVID-19 disease – for precise conditions see above).
Third-country nationals can enter the territory of the Slovak Republic across external borders, provided that they:
- have a relationship to a citizen of the Slovak Republic or person permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic (spouse, minor child, parent of a minor child). They are obliged to submit the original or copy of a marriage or birth certificate, while if the deed in question is in a foreign language, the person is obliged to provide for its translation (an unofficial translation is sufficient) and submit, when crossing the border, the original in a foreign language and such translation.
- are legally residing in the Slovak Republic pursuant to Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on Residence of Foreigners and on Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts, as amended, and submit a valid residence permit, residence card, certificate of residence registration or are holders of national visas issued by the Embassy of the Slovak Republic.
- attend a kindergarten or study at a primary or secondary school or university in the territory of the Slovak Republic and submit a relevant confirmation;
- are residing in Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore or, Taiwan. These persons are obliged to submit a travel document, residence permit and at least two other credible documents (e.g. confirmation of health insurance, lease contract, employment agreement, agreement to complete a job, confirmation from employer, letter of ownership for a residential real estate, trade license, etc.).
- permanently or temporarily residing in border areas of Ukraine within 30 km from an open border crossing point to the territory of the Slovak Republic and at the same time have an employment relationship, similar relationship or place of work in the territory of the Slovak Republic within 30 km from such border crossing point – the so-called pendlers (cross-border workers). They are obliged to submit a certificate from an employer. The form is available here;
- belong to certain categories listed in the valid Decree of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic;
- have been granted an exception by the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic pursuant to Section 6 of the Decree;
Third-country nationals who are allowed to enter the territory of the Slovak Republic across external borders of the Slovak Republic are further obliged to comply with the same conditions as when entering the territory of the Slovak Republic across internal borders (they are obliged to register themselves when coming from a risk country, stay in isolation and undergo COVID-19 testing – for precise conditions see above).
Sources used:
This project is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Dutch development/ foreign policy, in the amount of 2000 euros.