We have published our annual report for 2019

What was 2019 like for the Human Rights League? You can read what we have managed to achieve and what changes have taken place in our annual report for 2019.

For us, 2019 was full of changes, new experiences, interesting projects and, last but not least, successes. In 2019, in the 10th year of the Orange Foundation Award, we were one of the 10 organisations that won the award for their long-term efforts. We were acknowledged in particular for our courage to stand up for refugees, whose voices are absent in the public discourse; for our leadership and true interest in this issue, and for our innovative approach to problem-solving.

We continued on our journey as a specialised non-governmental organisation focused on legal assistance, commenting on laws and policies, and awareness raising and education on migration and integration of foreigners. We have strengthened our skills to communicate in an understandable, sophisticated and engaging way, so that people can access expert information on migration. We presented stories about the true added value of men and women from other countries, who live among us.

Since October 2019, our long- standing director Zuzana Števulová has been replaced by a lawyer Barbora Meššová. Her ambition is to advance the Human Rights League’s brand as a team of exceptional lawyers, thorough financial coordinators and other creative colleagues in the field of education and communication.

More to be found in our new annual report, which can be downloaded in Slovak and English below.

We are grateful to our volunteer Ján Michalko for his help with its translation into English.

Documents to download

Annual Report
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Výročná správa za rok 2019
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