How to make tax assignations to The Human Rights League

Your taxes help us continue with our work.
Assign 2 % of your income tax (3 % in case of volunteering) to the Human Rights League and help other foreigners and refugees in Slovakia.

If you are working and paying taxes in Slovakia, every year you have a chance to decide that 2% of your income tax will be assigned to a non-profit organisation. The Human Rights League (HRL) has been helping refugees and supporting the integration of foreigners in Slovakia for 20 years. We will be very happy if you decide to support our non-profit organisation in this year's tax return. 

Here is our data that you need for a 2% tax assignation:
Organization name (Názov organizácie): Liga za ľudské práva, o.z.
Address (Adresa/sídlo): Michalská 372/9, 811 01 Bratislava
IČO: 31807968
Legal form (Právna forma): Občianske združenie
Account number (Číslo účtu): 2626107650/1100 (Tatra banka, a.s.)
IBAN: SK24 1100 0000 0026 2610 7650

You can download the tax assignation form with our information below or find out more about the procedure HERE.

If you have any questions regarding donations or support for HRL, do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone. We will be happy to help!

Documents to download

164-Vyhlasenie o poukazani podielu zaplatenej dane z prijmov 2024_FO.pdf
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