We have created a new information package for refugees and foreigners living in Slovakia, which contains useful information about employment in Slovakia.
Dear clients,This site is intended primarily to provide you with all the necessary information you should know about working in Slovakia. Interviews with several of you have shown that you often do not know the fundamental rights guaranteed to you as employees by law. Such information is usually only available in Slovak and is often presented in a complicated way, which motivated us to prepare an information package on employment, which would cover all necessary areas of employment, as well as possible discrimination or exploitation in the workplace. In addition to the Slovak language, we have prepared information on employment in the other four most frequently represented languages among refugees: English, Arabic, Pashto and Farsi. We hope that they will be useful for you in the process of looking for work and employment in Slovakia.
The information pack consists of three animated informative videos that cover the areas of illegal work and illegal employment, employment, employee rights and advice on how to proceed if you have problems at work in a concise and simple way. These topics and many more are explained in more detail in four thematic presentations, which can be downloaded below.
VIDEO No. 1 - Illegal work, Illegal employment
VIDEO No. 2 - Employee rights according to the Labour Code
VIDEO č. 3 - How to solve problems at work?
Videos in Arabic:
1. كيف يكون عملك غير قانوني و متى يوظفك صاحب العمل بشكل غير قانوني؟
2. حقوق الموظفين تحت قانون العمل
3. كيف تتعامل مع المشاكل في العمل؟
Videos in Pashto:
1. تاسو کله غیرقانوني کار کوئ او ستاسو کار ګمارونکی کله تاسې غیرقانوني ګماري ؟
2. د کار کوډ سره سم د کارمندانو حقونه
3. څرنګه په کار کې ستونزې حل ګړو؟
Videos in Farsi:
1. چه زمانی غیرقانونی کار می کنید و چه زمانی کارفرمای شما غیرقانونی شما را استخدام می کند ؟
2. حقوق کارمندان طبق قانون کار
3. چگونه مشکلات کار را حل کنیم ؟
1. كيف يكون عملك غير قانوني و متى يوظفك صاحب العمل بشكل غير قانوني؟
2. حقوق الموظفين تحت قانون العمل
3. كيف تتعامل مع المشاكل في العمل؟
Videos in Pashto:
1. تاسو کله غیرقانوني کار کوئ او ستاسو کار ګمارونکی کله تاسې غیرقانوني ګماري ؟
2. د کار کوډ سره سم د کارمندانو حقونه
3. څرنګه په کار کې ستونزې حل ګړو؟
Videos in Farsi:
1. چه زمانی غیرقانونی کار می کنید و چه زمانی کارفرمای شما غیرقانونی شما را استخدام می کند ؟
2. حقوق کارمندان طبق قانون کار
3. چگونه مشکلات کار را حل کنیم ؟
The presentation will be displayed by clicking on the image or on the green text in the selected language.
Slovak/ English:

Slovak/ Arabic:
- العمل و التوظيف غير القانوني
- حقوق و واجبات الموظّفين
- عقود عمل خارج علاقة التوظيف
- إنهاء التوظيف عن طريق الإشعار
Slovak/ Pashto:
- غير قانوني کار او غير قانوني استخدام
- د کاریګرو او کارمندانو حقوق او وجایب ( مسؤولیتونه)
- په هغه کار باندې موافقه چې د کاري اړیکې بهر ترسره شوی وي
- د خبرتیا په واسطه د دندې پای ( فسخه)
Slovak/ Farsi:
- کار غیرقانونی و اشتغال غیرقانونی
- حقوق و وظایف افراد شاغل
- توافق نامه های کاری در مورد کارهایی که خارج از قرار داد یا رابطه کاری انجام میشود
- پایان دادن به رابطه کاری وشغلی از طریق اطلاع دادن
Further information regarding employment has also been prepared by the Labor Inspectorate and can be found HERE.
Refugee Labour Kit was created as part of the project „Refugee Empowerment for Labour Market Integration“ which is supported by the Government of the United States of America from the Julia Taft Refugee Fund.