Watch our videos on migration, integration, or refugee topics


What is asylum procedure and how to submit a successful application?

How long does an asylum procedure take? Where will I live? Can I work in the meantime? Can I also bring my family to Slovakia?

The Dublin Procedure: What is it and how does it work?


Waiting for the outcome of the asylum procedure

What happens if your asylum application is rejected?

Migration and Slovakia

What is the current situation in the Lesbos refugee camp?

Refugees and migrants come to the Lesbos refugee camp through the Mediterranean, with a vision and hope for a better and safer life. In the following interview you will find out what the island really looks like or how people live there - through the eyes of a journalist who visited the island.


Activities and Funding of the Humans Rights League organization

What is the Human Rights League, what type of legal orgnaization? How is it financed and how are these financed used? Na tieto a ďalšie otázky odpovedá riaditeľka Ligy Zuzana Števulová. The League's director Zuzana Števulová answers these and other questions.


Religious reasons for granting asylum

The League's director Zuzana Števulová and advocate Miroslava Mittelmannová advocate Miroslava Mittelmannová talk about the case of religious persecution as a reason for granting asylum. What are these religious reasons? How can persecution for religious reasons be proved? You can hear answers to these and other questions in this video.


What mean the safe and legal pathways for refugees and migrants that are suggested to be created within EU? 

The safe and legal pathways for refugees and migrants into the European Union are mentioned in various documents coming from the European Parliament or the European Commission. What they are and what is actually meant by them in the European Union will be explained in this video.

Report Minority and Indigenous Trends 2019

Minority Rights Group International released a report on the impact of the climate crisis on minorities and indigenous peoples in June 2019. We had the opportunity to meet Carl Sӧderbergh who is one of the key persons behind the report. In the following interview, you will learn about the challenges that the climate change brings, about how many people have been affected in 2018, and whether a term "climate refugee." exists.​

Hoaxes vs facts

Thousands of migrants from Africa are heading to Slovakia

One of the most widespread hoaxes is that thousands of Africans head to us and are granted accommodation in Humenné. It is not true. Listen to the factual arguments given by our director Zuzka Števulová.


NGOs smuggle people

The hoax that non-governmental organizations operating rescue ships in the Mediterranean smuggle or help smuggle migrants is one of the most widespread that is spread through social networks. Listen to the factual arguments given by our director Zuzka Števulová.

Brussels cramming migrants into EU Member States

One of the important topics that will often be mentioned before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament is the topic of quota for migrants - or more precisely - for asylum seekers - allegedly Brussels tries to cramm into European countries. In the next video, watch our director Zuzana Števulová explain the facts.

George Soros hands out ATM cards with money to refugees

Popular hoax which has been spreading mainly from Hungary recently and is supported by the Hungarian government, says that investor George Soros together with Brussels promote migration by giving ATM cards to migrants. Is it true? Find out in the video!

Asylum seekers get 500 - 800 € monthly from the state

A popular hoax in Slovakia is that allegedly, migrants or asylum seekers receive 500 or 800 € per month and get free accommodation. It is not true. Listen to the factual arguments presented by the director of the Human Rights League, Zuzka Števulová.

Integration of people with international protection in Slovakia

In our previous video, we talked about the widespread hoax that alleged migrants or asylum seekers receive 500 or 800 € per month and have free accommodation. In the following video, we follow up on this subject and talk about how integration of asylum seekers and foreigners with subsidiary protection looks like in Slovakia and who pays for it.

EU is not responsible for saving people in the Mediterranean Sea

We see from the comments below our articles that some people think that people who board a boat and sail off the coast of Libya, do not need to be saved. Or that even if we save them, they are not our responsibility because they freely decided to cross the Mediterranean. But what does the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the Constitution of the Slovak Republic or the Law of the Sea say? Let's look at it together in the following video:

These videos were produced within the project Migration Compass funded from the Operational Programme Effective Public Administration of the European Social Fund.